Crossrail 2 have now published their report of the consultation held last year, which summarises the responses they received.
I was pleased to see 1,979 people and groups from Merton responded to the consultation, which was the third highest of any Borough.
The responses were mostly critical of the plans for Wimbledon, with many concerned about disruption to Wimbledon town centre, especially to Centre Court and our historic buildings.
Respondents, like me, were also unhappy that only one option was presented for consultation and flagged the need for more information.
There were also concerns raised about the impact of works on Weir Road and at Dundonald Road.
My submission to the consultation was summarised as follows:
Stephen Hammond, MP for Wimbledon, remains supportive of the principles of Crossrail 2 but is unsupportive of the current proposals due to the potential negative impacts of the Wimbledon proposals from social, environmental, economic and health perspectives. MP Hammond has further concerns about the uncertainty of land take in the Raynes Park vicinity and ask for tunnelled options between Wimbledon and Raynes Park, as well as other options for Wimbledon station, to be re-examined.
Below is a link to the relevant pages for Wimbledon, but you can read the full document covering the whole route, here…