Earlier this week I visited the South Wimbledon junction with Cllr Nigel Benbow and local residents to inspect the gas works with reprsentatives from SGN.
SGN have now created a dedicated website page for the roadwords Here you will find all the information about the project as well as contact details: https://www.sgn.co.uk/our-gas-works/major-planned-projects/merton-merton-road
Below is an update from Merton Council about adjustments to road signage in the area following our meeting.
From Merton Council
Following our meeting yesterday morning, I can confirm that Jamie Vaughan (SGN) and Liam Cooper (LBM) inspected the whole area including side roads to assess the signage and diversions in place.
The inspection identified a number of areas where advanced and informational signage would be beneficial and assist the public in the local area. On a side note as with many ‘major’ projects the traffic management used usually has teething problems as its common practice for drivers to ignore advanced and warning signage. Major works normally have a bedding in period until commuters get used to the changes in place. Jamie Vaughan has kindly produced a drawing with the additional signage which will be placed out on site and this will be monitored (once employed) to ensure compliance. (Please see attached drawing)
In addition to the extra signage, there will be additional monitoring of the localised traffic which is witnessed to be ‘rat running’ through the back streets. Traffic and driver behaviour is always an issue with regards to diversions in connection with street works however we will ensure this continues to be monitored.
Paige Robert’s (SGN) has updated SGN’s website with information for the businesses which should be helpful and in addition, is actively seeking TfL updates the appropriate website with information in relation to the diversion of bus routes. We will continue to chase TfL for an update with regards to bus information and will update you accordingly.
Both SGN and Merton will continue to engage with each other with regards to ensuring these works are performed expeditiously but most importantly from my perspective, performed safely. Where improvements can be made both SGN and Merton will continue to discuss and implement any changes we feel will be advantageous to the boroughs residents and endeavour to ensure works are completed as quickly as possible.