I have received the below update from Network Rail regarding the ongoing work at Motspur Park Station which I want to share with local residents.
"Railway improvement work – Step free access for Motspur Park Station
Further to my previous communication, we’re writing to update you on the progress we’re making as we continue to work at Motspur Park station. This Access for All Scheme at Motspur Park Station includes building a new covered footbridge, lifts, stairs and a new station building including an accessible toilet. This will provide overall improved step free access to the island platform from both the eastern and western sides of the station.
You may have noticed we have now closed the eastern entrance to the station and are diverting passengers to Claremont Avenue. This will allow us to continue the demolition works currently taking place that are associated with the project.
Main work: We will start the core noisy work which will involve piling and ground works to construct the foundations for the lifts. This will take place from the 23 August to 5 December 2023. Further work will continue, dates are shown in the table below and we will plan to complete by the end of April 2024.
Most of our work will take place Monday to Friday during daytime hours from 07:30 – 17:30. However, there may be some occasions where due to the nature of the work, we will have to work overnight or during weekends when the trains are not running. We understand the impact of the noisy work, so every effort will be made to minimise any excessive noise like the piling planned for daytime hours. We are sorry for any disturbance and inconvenience this causes.
Work will take place as per the below schedule:
23rd August - 12th September: Construction of bases for lifts on island platform. Including overnight work.
14th September - 3rd October: Construction of bases for lifts on western platform. Work from 0730-1730 Monday to Friday.
5th October - 24th October: Construction of bases for lifts on eastern platform. Work from 0730 - 1730 Monday to Friday.
13th September - 5th December: Ground works to construct foundations for lifts. Work from 0730 - 1730 Monday to Friday.
We will continue to keep you updated as the work progresses, which will also include any other periods where works will be undertaken outside of normal working hours. I hope this information is helpful and once again, sorry for the inconvenience this work to upgrade Motspur Park station will cause.
Local residents and stakeholders will receive a letter shortly informing them of these works."