I recently met with representatives of the High Path Community Association to discuss their concerns about Circle Housing Merton Priory (CHMP). They have ongoing concerns about the maintenance and repair services and the plans for regeneration of the High Path.
I have been critical of the quality and speed of repairs on numerous occasions. The service provided has been slow and of a poor standard. I have also called for (CHMP) to release the findings of their investigation into their repair service. After this meeting I have written to the local council to ask what legal action they might be prepared to undertake against CHMP and I have written to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to seek an enquiry into CHMP's repair service.
There is real concern about the regeneration plans. The representatives were highly critical of some of the proposals and the lack of real consultation. The residents do not believe that they have been given enough time or support to explore alternatives; nor do they believe that there has been a detailed consultation of what residents want. The High Path Community Association representatives have suggested that any plans for regeneration be postponed until the issues about repairs are resolved and residents are properly consulted. I will be pursing this with both the Council and CHMP themselves.