Where is the Vision and Action Plan for Wimbledon Town Centre, which we were told was to be presented in the first half of 2017? Conservative councillors have raised this with the Labour Council who have said the draft Masterplan will now be published in November, with a consultation in December.
When Crossrail 2 began to take shape in 2013, I campaigned to ensure that our town centres benefited from the fundamental changes that might occur if Crossrail 2 stations were to be built in Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Motspur Park. The Crossrail 2 proposal was for a big increase in transport capacity and the possibility of 3 times as many people coming to Wimbledon town centre alone.
This fundamental change would require more public space and better access to an already overcrowded station and more road space/bridges across the tracks. Merton residents saw the opportunities and risks that the Crossrail 2 proposal offered and needed the local planning authority – Merton Council – to help protect what is good in our town centres and improve the deficiencies.
A structured plan would oblige landowners and potential developers to maintain the benefits to the people and businesses of our town centres and guarantee that major modifications were done in a considered, structured and beneficial manner to improve what is there today.
Merton Council promised to create a masterplan for Wimbledon town centre that would:
- Recognise the eclectic nature of Wimbledon
- Reflect the aspirations of the community
- Define and celebrate brand Wimbledon SW19
- Create a greener town centre
- Create solutions to deal with through-traffic
- Create a major new civic space (public realm)
- Create better quality commercial space
- Commercial led mixed-use offer
- Protect listed buildings / facades of heritage value
- Opportunities to extend and/or improve open space, recreational areas, and civic facilities, historic and cultural resources that need conservation;
- Strategies for solving congestion and improving transport
At a recent public meeting residents asked me what they can do to help, so I have drafted a short letter you may wish to send to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Stephen Alambritis at Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX or [email protected]
Dear Cllr Alambritis
The residents of Merton want to play a big part in improvements in our town centres if the Crossrail 2 proposals go ahead. Merton Council promised to create a masterplan for Wimbledon town centre that pledged to:
- Recognise the eclectic nature of Wimbledon
- Reflect the aspirations of the community
- Define and celebrate brand Wimbledon SW19
- Create a greener town centre
- Create solutions to deal with through-traffic
- Create a major new civic space (public realm)
- Create better quality commercial space
- Commercial led mixed-use offer
- Protect listed buildings / facades of heritage value
- Opportunities to extend and/or improve open space, recreational areas, and civic facilities, historic and cultural resources that need conservation;
- Strategies for solving congestion and improving transport
I would therefore be grateful to know when the first draft of the Wimbledon Master Plan will be ready and for your assurance there will be no further delays.